CV3 Pulsion
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Greetings from the US

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Greetings from the US Empty Greetings from the US

Message par luckykismat86 Mer 1 Nov - 15:43

Hello new owner of the cv3. I call it the green dragon. Waiting on windshield, shad 36 side bags and 58x top boxes.

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Message par Pilatus13 Mer 1 Nov - 15:56

Greetings from the US Safe_i10

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Message par Charly06 Mer 1 Nov - 17:49

Whow ! Pas de site dédié au CV3 chez l'Oncle Sam ??

Alors, bienvenue chez nous.  622648909

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Greetings from the US Empty Re: Greetings from the US

Message par Pappy Boyington Mer 1 Nov - 19:59

Bonjour ,

Je sais pas ce qu'on va pouvoir t'apporter de plus qu'un forum US .

Bienvenue sur le forum  622648909
Pappy Boyington
Pappy Boyington

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Greetings from the US Empty Re: Greetings from the US

Message par luckykismat86 Jeu 2 Nov - 3:09

I have not found a US forum for the CV3 yet. Mainly here for information and see if I can provide anything new. Parts in the US are extremely limited since the CV3 has only been here for about 3 months, I actually bought the first one a shop had. Only a hand full of shops sell them along the entire east coast. It is so much fun though. I am an avid motorcycle rider no stranger to two wheels. Looking forward to learning and thanks for having me.

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Greetings from the US Empty Re: Greetings from the US

Message par Pappy Boyington Jeu 2 Nov - 3:51

Le scooter est nouveau donc même pour nous , tout est encore difficile d'accès.
Mais nous commençons à avoir une bonne expérience sur les petits défauts de la bête. Car oui elle n'est pas parfaite mais nous saurons y répondre si tu as des soucis .

Par contre nous sommes intéressés de ton suivis car il est fort probable, par exemple , que la cartographie d'injection , ne soit pas le même que la nôtre .
En effet les normes pollutions ne sont pas les mes que celles en Europe et possible que ton scooter soit moins bridé que le nôtre .
Un échappement plus libre ? Une puissance supérieure ? 
A suivre .
Pappy Boyington
Pappy Boyington

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Message par Oldboy Jeu 2 Nov - 15:58

Hello and welcome to you American friends  622648909

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Message par josao Jeu 2 Nov - 18:08


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Greetings from the US Empty Re: Greetings from the US

Message par luckykismat86 Jeu 2 Nov - 18:22

Pappy Boyington a écrit:The scooter is new so even for us, everything is still difficult to access.
But we are starting to have good experience with the beast's small flaws. Because yes it is not perfect but we will be able to answer it if you have any concerns.

On the other hand, we are interested in your follow-up because it is very likely, for example, that the injection mapping is not the same as ours.
In fact, pollution standards are not the same as those in Europe and your scooter may be less restricted than ours.
A freer exhaust? A higher power? 
To be continued .
I can not speak to the differences.  I have looked but have been unable to find any official documentation.  I would imagine there are some though minor differences in emissions control.  I think with all stock I go 0-60mph in around 6 seconds.

I took would be interested in the differences. Currently the DNA air filter is stuck at customs.

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